When someone suffers a cardiac arrest, bystanders must act fast to ensure that they have the best chance of survival possible. Martek Lifecare offer a wide range of defibrillator training products to help your team get to grips with how defibrillators operate, saving valuable time during a cardiac event.
When it comes to sudden cardiac arrest you can never be too prepared. For every minute after an SCA the victim’s chances of survival drop by 20% so it’s vital to act quickly. If you don’t have a medical background is quite likely that you’ll be in a state of panic during an emergency situation so defibrillator training is a good idea to make sure you feel more confident.
Contact our team directly to see how our defibrillator training can help your organisation safeguard against the dangers of SCA.
It’s important to have qualified first-aiders on hand – in many industries, it’s legally required. Someone who has been trained to perform lifesaving treatment, can give direction to others or is able to assess and monitor the patient will make all the difference. If an AED is in a location where there are a lot of people, such as a school, factory or tourist spot, there is a much higher chance of sudden cardiac arrest striking so you would benefit from defibrillator training the most.
Here at Martek Lifecare, we stock and supply a wide range of training equipment which is perfect to help train your team on how to correctly use a defibrillator.
We stock full training AED which are the same as our Lifecare range. This includes everything you’ll need from spare batteries to training pads.
We have multiple CPR mankins available, perfect for CPR demonstrations.
Our Cardiosafe CPR device ensures your compressions are to the exact depth required.
Register your interest today and one of our friendly team will be in touch to discuss what equipment is right for your organisation.
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