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Defibrillators for Sports Clubs

Safeguard athletes, spectators and employees against the dangers of an SCA with our award-winning AED bundles, ideal for sporting venues, clubs and arenas. Contact our team today to see how we can help you.

Lifeline Defibrillators are perfect portable defibrillators for sports clubs.

AEDs for Sporting Venues

An SCA is responsible for thousands of deaths annually, with the vast majority occurring in public spaces such as sporting venues.

Sports stadiums, gyms and fitness centres see an influx of spectators, staff and athletes daily – making it imperative that companies take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously.
An SCA can affect anybody at any time, regardless of their level of physical fitness, and is one of the leading causes of sudden death in adults.

Surprisingly, many sports facilities in the UK lack an AED (automated external defibrillator) even though it is a lifesaving device. Furthermore, there are no laws that enforce its placement in public areas.

Early defibrillation is the key to saving a victim of SCA, with the chances of survival rising to 70% if defibrillation is achieved within the first 3 minutes compared to a 5% chance of survival if a defibrillator is not present.

Prominent organisations such as the British Heart Foundation and St John’s Ambulance recommend defibrillator installation for all businesses – so if you want to join the growing number of retailers choosing to protect staff and customers with an AED on site, you’ve come to the right place.

AED’s at Sports Clubs

We can provide bundles and packages to suit various different sporting venues or sports clubs. Whatever you need to protect your athletes or visitors, Martek Lifecare can help.

Sports Venues

Our AED bundles can be tailored to suit sporting venues of any size.

Sports Clubs

See how our range of AEDs and associated accessories can help your sports club.

The benefits of an AED

The Lifeline range of defibrillators provides customers with a user-friendly and non-invasive setup, with voice commands and visual prompts to guide a rescuer through the process.

Several benefits include;

• Rapid Shock Delivery – Defibrillators provide a shock within seconds, allowing life support to begin swiftly.

• Usage – Anybody can use our defibrillators; no training is required. Follow the audio and visual prompts to deliver treatment.

• Low Cost – AEDs are an affordable investment that could make a lifesaving difference in the event of SCA.

• Scalable Solutions – Defibrillator bundles are available to suit any budget, with packages containing AEDs, accessories and ongoing service contracts.

Further Reading

Discover more about the importance of AED’s in sport with the Martek Lifecare blog.


Check out our most frequently asked questions about defibrillators for sporting clubs or venues. If your question is still not answered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, where our friendly and helpful team are on hand to help.

Is defibrillation mandatory in sports venues?

Although there is no legal requirement, all sporting establishments are strongly recommended to be equipped with an AED an SCA can affect anybody at any time, regardless of their level of physical fitness.

How many defibrillators will my sports venue need?

This depends on the size, layout and number of people at your facility. It is recommended to have a defibrillator near the entrance and exit of each area to provide quick access in the event of SCA.

What other products and services do you offer?

Our Lifeline AED bundles provide all you need for SCA protection in sporting venues, including:
• Defibrillator AED device
• Wall-mounted cabinet
• Adult defibrillation pads
• Battery and charging system
• Comprehensive emergency response kit.

Take Action Today!

Get in touch now to register your interest, our friendly, professional team is waiting to help you put defibrillators into the hands of the public and save lives.


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