01709 599 222

AEDs on Buses

Our range of Lifeline defibrillators provides UK buses and depots with award-winning protection against the dangers of long lead times in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.

Our transport defibrillator bundles provide customers with safe, reliable and affordable safeguarding option, ideal for all modes of transport.

Public Transport Protection

2021 there were 95,153 out of hospital cardiac arrest calls made to the emergency services, with 10.1% of these occurring in public, the equivalent to a staggering 27 per day, 365 days a year.  This highlights the importance of ensuring all areas of the public domain, such as buses and depots, are equipped to deal with this life-threatening condition.

The British Heart Foundation recommends that AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) be fitted on buses to provide emergency medical care in the event of a cardiac arrest; In the UK alone, there were just over 3.1 billion bus passengers journeys in the year ending 2022, highlighting the potential risks.

With the installation of AEDs in buses and depots, life-saving medical care can be provided in seconds, giving victims a greater chance of survival.

View our range of Lifeline Defibrillators.

Protect Your Passengers & Staff

A few of the benefits that come with having an AED onboard a bus includes the following:

Ability to respond quickly and accurately in the event of an emergency – The main advantage companies experience when they equip their buses with AEDs is that it provides a rapid response time; research has shown that AEDs on buses can reduce response time by up to 70% compared to ambulances or other emergency services. This is vitally important, as every minute without treatment increases the risk of death or serious damage to the victim.

Ease of use – AEDs do not require extensive training, and anyone can administer the defibrillation shock with clear instructions from the device. This makes it ideal for passengers and staff that may have yet to be trained in emergency medical care.

Reassurance that assistance will be available in an emergency – AEDs provide peace of mind to passengers; knowing they have access to life-saving medical care if needed will add an extra layer of security and make bus travel even safer.

Should you have any questions regarding our range of AEDs or wish to speak with a team member directly, please get in touch with us at 01709 599 222.

AEDs on buses can help to increase the odds of survival of an SCA of public transport.

Further Reading

Discover more about the importance of AED’s on public transport with the Martek Lifecare blog.


Please find a selection of frequently asked questions about defibrillators onboard buses and depots. If your question is still not answered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, where our friendly and helpful team are on hand to help.

Are buses legally required to carry an AED onboard?

No, buses have no legal requirement to carry an AED onboard. However, it is highly recommended as it can help save lives in a medical emergency.

Do passengers need to be trained on how to use an AED?

No, AEDs are designed to be easy to use and provide verbal instructions on administering the shock. However, it is recommended that all staff members are trained in using an AED.

How do I know if a bus has an AED onboard?

It is best to check with the company that provides your bus service, as they can confirm whether their buses are equipped with AEDs. If they are, they should also be able to provide you with information on how to access it in an emergency.

What should I do if someone on the bus has a cardiac arrest?

If you believe that someone on the bus has gone into cardiac arrest, you should call 999 immediately and provide them with as much information as possible. If there is an AED onboard, it would be best to inform the operator so they can retrieve it and begin treatment while emergency services are en route.
AEDs on buses provide a much-needed layer of safety and security to passengers and staff alike. By having AEDs onboard, you can ensure that any potential medical cardiac emergency is dealt with quickly and effectively, giving victims the best possible chance of survival.

Take Action Today!

Get in touch now to register your interested, our friendly, professional team is waiting to help you put defibrillators into the hands of the public and save lives.


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