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Providing Free Defibrillator Seminars to Bath Residents

Published on 23rd November 2016

While it is important that more defibrillators are readily available in the event of an emergency, it is equally crucial that those who operate them know how to use them properly.

This is why First Aiders in Bath are planning to provide a free seminar to residents on how to use the life-saving devices, the Bath Echo reported.

The defibrillator training event is being held at the Prince of Wales Public House in Peasedown St John on Wednesday November 30th at 19:00 to encourage those in the village to have the confidence to use one of its four machines if they have to.

Speaking with the news provider, councillor Sarah Bevan, who helped fund the defibrillators together with councillor Karen Walker, said: “Learning how to save a life is something all of us can do with a little expert training.”

Ms Walker also stated that the workshop will boost confidence among those in the village and could help save lives in the future.

She noted: “If a sudden cardiac arrest sufferer is treated with a defibrillator within three minutes of a cardiac arrest, their chances of survival are increased dramatically, so it is well worth attending.”

The two-hour event is being put on by The Community Heartbeat Trust’s Cath and Chris Mackie.

They will demonstrate how to use the devices, how to recognise a heart attack, and how to perform cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

This week (November 21st to 27th) marks Atrial fibrillation (AF) week to raise awareness of having an irregular pulse, which is linked with coronary heart disease and strokes. People are being reminded to check their pulses to see whether they have an abnormal rhythm or strength, and seek help from their GP if they are worried.

Around 1.5 million Brits have AF and someone has an AF-related stroke every 15 seconds, despite treatment being readily available