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Martek Lifecare Blog

The Martek Lifecare blog shares the latest industry news, product updates and articles from Martek Lifecare.

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Safeguard your workplace against the dangers of SCA with an effective AED placement plan.

19th May 2023

Creating an Effective Workplace AED Plan

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, sometimes abbreviated to OHCA, is a severe and life-threatening medical emergency that requires immediate intervention to increase the chances of survival.

19th April 2023

Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest [Infographic]

Our latest guide shows how to find a defibrillator near you.

19th April 2023

Where is my nearest defibrillator? Find a defibrillator near you.

17th April 2023

Discover Martek Lifecare’s Latest Solutions at Health & Safety Event 2023‍

Rob Higgie, Regional Sales Manager at Martek Lifecare, is an experienced community first responder with 11 years of experience in the field, and as of January 2023, he’s attended 86 cardiac arrests, resulting in 25 ROSCs (return of spontaneous circulation).

8th March 2023

Life as a Community First Responder: Triumphs, Tragedies, Teamwork.  

Our latest insight documents which heart conditions require a defibrillator

7th February 2023

Which heart conditions require a defibrillator?

Unfortunately, a defibrillator/AED will not restart a heart once it has stopped beating.

13th January 2023

Does a defibrillator restart a stopped heart?

10th June 2022


1st June 2022

Heart Disease Awareness

18th May 2022

Foods for a Healthy Heart

8th May 2022

Could Drone Delivered Defibrillators be a Reality in the Near Future?

28th April 2022

10 Reasons why a business requires an AED