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Malvern Hills Hotel’s New Defibrillator from an Anonymous Buyer

Published on 21st June 2017

The Malvern Hills Hotel – one of the busiest places in the Malvern Hills and just over the road from the British Camp car park – has just had its first defibrillator installed, thanks to an anonymous benefactor.

The device has now been fixed to a wall at the hotel and is accessible to anyone in an emergency that involves a cardiac arrest, the Malvern Gazette reports. In addition, staff at the hotel have also been receiving resuscitation training, while the hotel itself is looking to encourage and support local interest groups to get involved in this kind of skillset.

Speaking to the news source, chairman of Heartstart Malvern Richard Vakis-Lowe said: “This is the most extraordinary act of kindness. British Camp is a location where we have wanted to have defibrillator coverage for some time. Thanks to the selfless generosity of our donor and then the enthusiasm and support of Matthew Cooke at the Malvern Hills Hotel, the project came together in an instant.”

For those who work in rural areas, it can be hard to find access to a defibrillator in the case of an emergency – but thanks to technological advancements, drone defibs could soon become a commonplace sight around the UK.

A recent investigation by industrial engineer at the University of Toronto Timothy Chan found that drones could reach patients quicker than ambulances and cut response times in half. Rural regions could see response times drop from 19 minutes to nine, which would no doubt help save many lives.

Have you considered an AED defibrillator for your organisation? Contact one of our account managers to discuss how we can help.